So, why am I writing a blog? To put it shortly, it’s a requirement for my marketing class. However, that doesn't really clarify anything. If you’ve had the opportunity to read my "About Me" section you are aware that I am in International Development. And for my program I am required to embark on an 8 month field placement in Malawi. For my placement I will be working for the Ngolowindo Cooperative Society which will have me working alongside farmers in Malawi helping them to create a sustainable market for their products (to summarize it without getting into too much boring detail). I am so excited to have this once in a lifetime opportunity to get some hands on experience in the International Development field.
One question that I am bombarded with on a regular basis is “What is International Development?” and “Where will a degree in International Development get you?”. And you would think that by my third year in this program I would have a straightforward, simplistic answer for them. However, I don’t and its not from a lack of trying. I have now come to the conclusion that even individuals who have spent their entire lives studying International Development wouldn’t be able to provide you with this answer. It is a complex and ever changing field that I believe in the near future will becoming increasingly important. As part of the program we are required to study economics, statistical analysis, environmental issues, political science and the humanities. Each interacts and plays a crucial role in how humanity will play out in the years to come. There are so many areas of International Development that what it means is based on your own perspective.
Another question that I am frequented by is “Why did you choose International Development?”. And I think everyone in my program has a distinctly different story as to why they choose this field – each of us holds a different “Aha!” moment so to speak. For me I believe my entire life has led up to this. I have been aware of the many issues of inequality that plague the world still today – from being the only girl on a boys hockey team and facing ridicule to celebrating Emancipation Day with my family for the past 20 years. Even throughout public school my projects always related to environmental issues or issues of inequality. My parents have always called me a “bleeding – heart” for various reasons, but it is this quality that I believe makes me so passionate about International Development. This along with my education will hopefully allow me to make a real difference in the world one day.
Alas, this blog is intended to be a place for me to share my thoughts and ideas regarding International Development as well as Malawi. As I prepare for my departure (in September of this year!!) I will keep you updated on my pre - departure activities as well as any fascinating International Development or Malawi – related news. I hope you enjoy reading my blog and I really look forward to any feedback you may have ☺ .
The world is beautiful and diverse place, but there are many issues of inequality that still exist. This is just a short video that helps put it all into perspective. As the world continues to grow it will continue experiencing the many issues it already faces. Growing pains is a reality for the world and is something that needs to be addressed.